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July 07 2023

Radiative kinetics of mass-data stacking and magnetic steady-state relativistic stellar size plasmoid torus models as an alternative to the singularity

Radiative kinetics of mass-data stacking and magnetic steady-state relativistic stellar size plasmoid torus models as an alternative to the singularity Scott DeGirolamo Princeton University Center For Advanced Studies, Astronomical Academy Of Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, Princeton AS 2021, 00-12 Berkeley, California
20 May 2021.
I present the results of 8D, 3D, 2D, and 1D mass-data stacking simulations of relativistic dimensional limitations within a stellar remnant plasmoid torus, including the dynamical influence of the synchrotron of Hawking’s radiation process, the observation of singularity reduction in mass-data stacking and integrating the observable mass-data stacking emission signatures.
The simulations are initiated with a single stellar mass space-time layer with a mass-data stack in sub dimensional space-time. We achieve a steady-state connection with unrestricted outflows by means of open boundary conditions that allow the replacement of singularity equations by space-time lightcurve quantum mass-data stacking.
The radiative cooling efficiency is regulated by the choice of initial plasma temperature Θ. We explore different values of Θ and of the background magnetism. Throughout the simulations, a plasmoid torus is generated in the central region of the stellar layer, and they evolve at different rates, achieving a wide range of sizes. The gaps between plasmoid torus are filled by smooth relativistic outflows called radiation minijets, whose contribution to the observed radiation is very limited due to their low particle densities.
Small-sized stellar plasmoid torus are rapidly accelerated and they have higher gravity contributions because of the simulated mass-data stack construct, and stronger relativistic tidal forces. Stellar-sized plasmoids are slow, but produce most of the observed synchrotron emission, with a major part of their radiation produced within the central cores, the density of which is enhanced by radiative cooling with mass-data stacking occurring at lower dimensions and higher dimensions as well. Synchrotron space-time lightcurves show rapid bright flares that can be identified as originating from tail-on mergers within the plasmoids. between small/fast plasmoids and large/slow target plasmoids within the core.


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